Degree 1st year result 2023 [National University]

Degree first-year results have been published. Today 18 May 2023 degree’s first-year result has been published. First of all, welcome to my website to see the degree first-year results. First of all, you can see the first-year degree results on my website. So if you want to see the results of the first year of the degree, I have made arrangements to view the results directly from the link on my website from the website of the National University.
So, you can take a look at the first year of degree 2023 by using the official link on my website. Also, share this link with your friends and ask them to be the first to see the degree’s first-year result in 2023.
Degree 1st year results in 2023
Bangladesh National University was established in 1992 and has introduced three-year degree pass courses in various colleges. The degree pass course, thousands of college students in Bangladesh regularly study the degree course. As a result of doing four-year courses in different colleges of the National University, more than 2.8 million students are studying in different colleges of the National University regularly. This article, Degree First Year Result 2023 under Degree Pass Course 2023 is published. So in today’s article, we will show you all the methods to see the degree first-year results.
The National University published the results of the first-year degree examination held in 2023 today, 18 May 2023. This website failed to show the current results due to high traffic to the National University website. So, on today’s website, we are discussing all the methods to see the degree first-year results in front of you.
2019-20 session NU Degree 1st year result 2023
Due to the global Corona epidemic, national universities have not been able to conduct regular examinations. Therefore, the first-year degree examination of the 2019-20 session started late. Finally, the first-year examination of the degree was completed last January. And today the National University published the results of the first year of the degree 2023.
How to see the result of the 1st year of degree 2023?
You can use 2 methods offline and online to view degree first-year results. The most popular way to view all National University results is to view the results online. So I will tell you how to view the degree first-year results online. The National University will publish the degree first-year results from 2023 on their official website. You can easily go to the official website of the National University and see the desired result by following the following methods.
- First, go to
- Then click on “Degree” from the left side
- Then press the “First Year” button
- You must enter your “Registration Number” after hitting this button
- Then enter your “roll number”
- Give your “pass year”
- Enter the code above here ”
- Finally, click the “Search Results” button